Thursday, October 13, 2011

One Infinite Loop - a tribute to steve jobs

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at CPK in San Francisco, CA.
The team dedicates this show to the passing of Steve Jobs. Each of us shares our personal experience with him, and opinions about his success and failures.

Listen to the show!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

To the Moon, Private Sector!

Mark, Wes, Bob o' Rob & Frankie at CPK in San Francisco, CA.

In this show: Steve Resigns from Apple, HP drops Desktops & Web OS & Touchpads kinda, China gets iPhones kinda, Windows 8 is cool kinda, and other funny tech news.

Listen to the show!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Showing our age

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at a hidden meeting place in San Francisco, CA.

In this show: Early loss of show control, Japan disaster site storage facility, Rapture delays, Thoughts on Microsoft & Skype purchase, Google Wallet may not work, Pay me in BitCoins!, Kindle usage not so great, Yes you can get a great laptop now for under $500.00.

Listen to the show!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A ton of good in this world

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at the Mel's Drive-In, in San Francisco, CA.

In this show, iPad iCade, 360 Netflix Kinect Update, Asus Honeycomb Tablet, RIM Playbook, Windows Mobile used to run a lot of apps, Repulsive Forces on Muni, Bob & Wes talk about Afro's, 1961 Yuri Gargarin first man in space controversy, and other random bits of tech opinions.

Listen to the show!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shatner woke up the Space Shuttle

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at the WestField Shopping Center in San Francisco, CA.

In this show, wes talk about Elizabeth Taylor's passing, William Shatner broadcasting a wake up call for the crew of the Space Shuttle, online news has taken over paper news, orders for iPad2's have slowed slightly, the FCC has a spine?, starting to see applications being supported by consumer appliances and automobiles. Bob also speaks a bit about smoking.

Listen to the show!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Apple sold a ButtLoad of iPad2's

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at the California Pizza Kitchen in San Francisco, CA.

In this show, we talk about the crisis in Japan, iPad2 sales, what would we be without GPS?, old box of cereal for sale on eBay from 1972, Mark wants to take a bath in a tub filled with Captain Crunch Whistles, Hadron Super Collider is really a time machine and Wes gets his hands on an HTC ThunderBolt.

As always, Mark talks about his Kraps.

Listen to the show!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our thoughts on iPad2

Mark, Wes & Bob o' Rob at the California Pizza Kitchen in San Francisco, CA.

In this show, we juggle our thoughts about the iPad 2, Apple starting to allow development and interpreters on iOS devices, public transportation with cloth seats can make you sick, color photos of SF from the 1906 earthquake, who is going to ever watch all the video on YouTube! Enjoy the show!

Listen to the show!